Bush Kindy

"It IS a playground, it is just a playground with trees." (Nicole 4 yo)


Our children enjoyed a wide variety of themed days these holidays based on the interests and suggestions of our children.  By the end of the holidays, we now have a new list of themes the children would like to explore next holidays.


A big thank you to our Educators who worked through the holidays, offering creative offerings to expand the children's thoughts and wonderings.


One thing that we love to watch at Curiosity, is the relationships that develop and strengthen between our youngest to eldest of learners.  Running our holiday program with the entire cohort of children is a special time as we watch the different personality traits of each child shine amongst a diverse group.


A highlight for us as a team was Bush Kindy Day.  We were blessed with some shiny skies and a little sprinkling of rain as we explored Deborah Grove.  It did not take long for the children to find wonder in the smallest of findings and to display such empathy and care for the land and the creatures that call it home.  

From ant hills, to determining safe trees to climb, digging dirt to make mud, finding and comparing the heights of sticks, listening for birds and drawing them, and turning tree trunks into Pirate ships was such a joy to be part of.

Wilderness Bill of Rights - 1965

(As found in Ann Pelo - The Goodness of Rain)

"We believe in the right of children to an understanding of their place in nature's community, of which they are part of.

We believe in their right to acquire skills for living in the out-of-doors as part of their heritage, to swim, to fish, to manage a canoe, to climb, to hike.

We believe in their right of discovery and adventure in nature's world.

We believe in their right to friendly comradeship with someone older, likewise an adventurer in the out-of-doors.

We believe in their need of the healing found in the wilderness of nature.

We believe in their unfolding response to the warm earth, the friendly stars, the music of the streams, the unknown life in the hidden places, great trees, sunsets and storms."


We look forward to inviting you into this special place of learning with us as we explore our own charter of rights for the children of Curiosity at Bush Kindy.  We are excited!