Senior School Report

Scoresby Secondary College Formal 

The VCE Formal held on Monday 24 April was a night of glamour and celebration. Although the music may not have been everyone's preferred genre, it did include some fun popular songs for most people to get together and dance along to. All attendees enjoyed the opportunity to socialise, dress up and dance together. The atmosphere was lively and energetic, and everyone made the most of the night.


The venue provided a delicious spread of food, and the variety and quality of the food was greatly appreciated. The students enjoyed each other's company and found plenty of opportunities to bond over shared interests and experiences.

Overall, the event was a success, and everyone left feeling happy and fulfilled. The attendees appreciated the chance to dress up, dance, and socialise with their peers. Everyone at the event was dressed amazingly. The night was a testament to the power of community and the joy that can come from celebrating together.


Lincoln McLennan

Year 12





Elevate Education 

Students in Years 10-12 were given the opportunity to attend an outstanding presentation “Ace Your Exams”. It provided students with tips and tricks for exam preparation and study techniques. Feedback from students was extremely positive. Below are some techniques for exam preparation.   



On ANZAC Day I was given the honour to attend an ANZAC service held at Waterford Park Retirement Village in Knoxfield. I was privileged to read the poem ‘Flanders Fields’ and lay a poppy on behalf of the college. It was truly an amazing experience to read the poem in front of ex-servicemen and women, dignitaries, their community, families and friends. 

I witnessed the pride the retirement village had in providing a service to honour the fallen. After the service Waterford Park Retirement Community, they provided lunch to myself and my family. I spoke with many members of the community and shared the experience of honouring the fallen. 


Mikayla Rogers

Year 10 





Year 10 Deakin University Excursion 

Students in Year 10 were provided the opportunity to explore Deakin University. The students were excited to learn about the courses they offered and life as a University student. A real highlight was seeing the amazing classrooms Deakin had to offer such as a simulated courtroom, hospital, and classroom. 

The visit was engaging, helpful, and very beneficial to me. The visit gave me an insight into the opportunities I have in the future, and it gave me options for my further studies. The visit provided me an opportunity to envision my future and thanks to the amazing student helpers and our guide, I was able to ask questions and determine whether Deakin University was for me.


Madison Tuck - Year 10


Today was very interesting and inviting. The people at Deakin were very helpful and convinced me to consider going there. We explored a heap of different options and got to see what they have to offer. Deakin was very big, but they had amazing food and a great community. I would like to go back there and see what else they have to offer.


Ayla Richardson - Year 10 


Ms Michelle de Boer

Head of Senior School