Principal's Report           

Welcome Back to Term 2

Welcome back to students, staff and families! I hope everyone had a rejuvenating holiday break and is ready to jump back into learning. As we begin this new term, let's remember the power of hard work, determination, and a growth mindset. We have the opportunity to accomplish great things both individually and as a community. So let's support each other, challenge ourselves, and strive for excellence in all we do. Here's to a fantastic semester ahead!"


New and Returning Staff

We welcome the following new staff to Scoresby Secondary College:

Mrs Tanya Malloy - Careers

Mr Mohammed Sameem -  Digital Technology, Mathematics

Mrs Saleem Majid - English, Humanities

Ms Tahlia Pastor - Social Worker

Mrs Cheryl Eastwood - Voice, Performing Arts


We also welcome back Ms Cynthia Fan who has returned from family leave and Ms Amanda Witt who is replacing Ms Linda Duncan who is on Long Service Leave  for Term 2








Staff Award

Congratulations to Mr Ron King who will be attending a Department ceremony with the Minister of Education Hon. Natalie Hutchins MP to acknowledge his 40 years’ service in education. Mr King’s passion to continue to engage and motivate students, and most of all his belief in every individual’s ability to learn and grow is inspiring. In current times when so many are leaving this profession we can only hope that many more teachers continue to reach this incredible milestone. 


Senior School Formal

Last Monday evening our VCE students attended their much awaited formal.


After working hard throughout term one and spending time over the break consolidating the knowledge and skills required for their programs, the formal was a fantastic opportunity for time out and enjoyment as group. Well done to our College Captains Karlia Buckley and Levi (Rose) Lyons who led by Ms Kathleen Shirer and members of the Senior School Team organised the event. 


Congratulations to all students, your behaviour was exemplary, and you all looked fabulous. 



ANZAC Day is a significant event set aside for remembrance of those Australian and New Zealand Army Corps who fought and died at Gallipoli in 1915.  Mikaela Rogers from Year 10 was selected to represent our College at Waterford Park Retirement Village to present as part of their ANZAC Day Service. Well done Mikaela and to all other students who participated in commemoration activities at other locations. It was wonderful to see the number of our students who showed their respect participating in services representing family members or as cadets across the state.


College Uniform

Thank you to students and parents for the positive response to students returning in full school uniform at the start of the term. We only had a small number of students we needed to follow up and it is so positive seeing them represent our college so well in the community.


Mrs Gail Major
