Staff Profile 

Kathryn Watt

I have worked at Scoresby Secondary College for one year in Education Support  as an Integration Aide and I have loved getting to know the wonderful staff and students. I find Scoresby students to be very inclusive and respectful which makes for a great school culture.


Both my parents are teachers, so it was no surprise when I followed their footsteps into the profession. I was born and raised in Dandenong, and have lived locally ever since. I love living at the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges, and I doubt I will ever move! 


I completed my Bachelor of Arts/Grad Dip Ed at Monash University with Literature and Feminist Studies being my favourite subject areas. I have two children (8 year old girl, 12 year old boy) and our favourite family pastime is going for long cruises in the car together. I also love reading picture story books to my children and I am dreading the day when my daughter informs me that she is too old for stories now (PS: you are never too old for picture books!). 


Music is my other great love, with 90s grunge and RnB being my favourite musical styles. 

To conclude, I thought it might be entertaining to include some fun facts about me: 

• I am an identical twin 

• I love karaoke, and my go-to song is “Dangerzone” from Top Gun 

• I have lived in 4 different countries (whilst working as a corporate trainer for a shipping company) and my favourite place to visit was New Orleans. 

• I have a phobia of goannas! 

Thank you for taking the time to read my profile.