
Term 2 in Mathematics

At the end of last term, the top three highest learning growth students received certificates for their outstanding effort in Statistics. We extend congratulations to the following students:

Year 7: 

Blaise Rogers, Khushdip Kaur and Laura Woodhouse


Year 8: 

Abigail Bryant, Jake Cassell and Renata Kavamoungaone

This term Year 7-9 students are working on the topic of probability.  Who can solve this probability brain teaser?


Timothy and Urban play a game with two dice. But they do not use the numbers. Some of the faces are painted red and the others blue.


Each player throws the dice in turn. Timothy wins when the two top faces are the same colour. Urban wins when the colours are different. Their chances are even. The first die has 5 red faces and 1 blue face. 

How many red and how many blue are there on the second die?


Answer revealed in the next addition of  'The Score'


Growth Mindset


Ms Michelle de Boer

Mathematics Leader