As a Catholic College, we believe we are 'Easter people' because the resurrection of Jesus shows that suffering, disappointment and death can be transformed into new life. Easter gives us hope – a hope that promises a fullness of life in our relationships with God and in community with one another.
This morning, our staff and students gathered in House groups to commemorate the joyful celebration of Christ’s resurrection. The Easter Liturgies brought our vertical House groups of students together for an opportunity to listen to the Word of God, to join together in prayer and to reflect on the varied Easter experiences and rituals in our community. Afterwards, staff and students enjoyed a variety of Easter games including hopper races, Easter egg and spoon races, rob the nest, an Easter egg hunt and a QR code challenge to find our very own life-sized fluffy Easter bunnies who were generously played by Year 12 Captains Charlie Burke and Mitchell Rowley.
Earlier this week, staff and students involved in The Red Dress Project gathered at recess to start design work for this textile based community art project. Designs for the College’s own Red Dress is well underway as student’s creative ‘Hearts On Fire’, over flowed with ideas and excitement. Next term, students will continue to meet regularly to finalise designs before starting the next step – pattern-making and embroidery. We very much hope that our wider community of seamstress’, designers and embroiderers of all ages will join us later in the term when we start to embellish the panels of the dress.
As a community of educators, we know that student health and wellbeing is an important precursor of academic success and flourishing at school. We are also mindful of not doing anything about our students without our students being part of the conversation, so this week our Student Wellbeing Team gathered to start a wellbeing audit. Their aim is to identify what is going well in the student wellbeing space at Sacred Heart College and also to identify what we can do to further support student wellbeing in the teaching and learning environment on campus.
Our shared Holy Week prayer and co-curricular activities this week have contributed to a sense of purpose and identity that reflect the uniqueness of our College community and a growing awareness of the needs of others throughout the world. I hope you and your families can gather your own 'Easter people' together this weekend to commemorate and celebrate all that this Lenten season means to you.
Mrs Sandra Manning
Deputy Principal - Community