Grade 5/6 Learning

Hello! Welcome to Term Two! Yeah!


In 5/6C and 5/6S, we have so far been learning in MATHS about factors (numbers that go equally into larger numbers) and squared numbers (numbers multiplied by itself).


Now READING! We’ve been working on predictions and making educated guesses. But not just any predictions and educated guesses. We’ve been learning how to use evidence from the text to make our predictions even better. 


In grade 5/6, we learn about so many things and it usually changes after a fortnight, so we get plenty of options. In writing, we have been completing our narratives with the focus on descriptive language.


In Inquiry, this term we are learning about the government. We have learnt about the 3 levels of government, how Australia makes laws, the different types of governments and the Federation of Australia.


-From Audrey, Edie and Sahad, 5/6 S  


This week in French, students from grade 5/6 C & 5/6 S  explored neighbours of France, using the correct form of 'de' and translating sentences from English into French.