5-8 Community News
Dear Families/Caregivers,
Welcome to Term 2. We hope you all had a safe and wonderful holiday break. We hope to see you all next Thursday at our subject teacher conversations.
We welcome all students back to school, they have settled in extremely well. From a learning perspective, the transition has been really smooth as the kids have resumed with their literacy components of spelling, reading and writing.
The outcomes for maths this term will see students complete lessons around the concepts of:
- Money
- Chance and data
- Patterns and Algebra
The Resilience Project content and language continues to provide our students with opportunities to practise gratitude at home and at school. This comes at a wonderful time as it has provided students with the chance to reflect on their achievements and events that occurred in the first part of the year.
So far this term, the students have continued to practise SOLE. Our focus for this fortnight has provided learners the opportunity to continue to strive for success by following instructions on the Learning space and in the yard: The students have been applying these strategies to their daily outcomes.
Learning Space
- Strive to stay committed and on task in all of your classes (electives).
- Set a small SMART goal for each lesson!
- Find a spot in your classroom that will help you focus and maintain concentration and aim to maintain eye contact with your teacher. Speak to your teacher!
- Use your self monitoring/regulation skills eg. Use diary, brain break, seek help,
- Ask questions and find a positive to focus on! Positive mindset.
In the Yard:
- Find a spot/location in the yard where you have something to do eg. Attend a lunchtime activity.
- If you have a disagreement, seek out a teacher or someone to help you resolve it by asking questions and reaching out for support.
- Provide submissive or assertive feedback if you need to.
Please continue to have conversations with your children about attending a lunchtime activity, particularly if they are finding themselves bored and unmotivated in the schoolyard. Lunchtime activities will resume in Week 3.
Use of the Rec Reserve at lunchtime is back on for our students. We have had so many kids take up the opportunity to use such a wonderful spacious play area. This will be an ongoing change to our yard spaces and we hope to continue to see more 5-12 students attend this space.
And lastly, please continue to ensure that if your child is out of uniform, a note is provided to their TA teacher. As we welcome the colder months, please ensure that you are taking a trip down to the uniform shop in Kyabram to purchase a school jumper or jacket. College beanies and scarves will be available to purchase from the College Office from next week. Some exciting things to come!
Corey Carver and Anthony Poppa
5-8 Community Leaders