F-4 Community News
Welcome to a new term. We hope that you all spent time with family and friends and are ready for a busy term. This term we have many events taking place over the nine weeks. Some of these include AFL clinics, Mother’s Day Liturgy and classroom visits, Andrew Chinn concert, Farmer Daryl, National Simultaneous Storytime, 3/4 swimming, F-2 swimming and our end-of-term assembly.
Subject Teacher Conversations will take place next Thursday, 11th May. When booking via PAM for a TA conversation, the discussion will focus on your child’s goals, personal and social development, class participation and overall behaviour at school. For academic discussions, please book a meeting with the teachers indicated in the letter sent home with students on the first day back this term.
When looking at the options to book, the class listed as ‘Numeracy’ is a specialist subject. This subject takes place once a week similar to other specialist subjects such as Italian. The specialist teacher for ‘Numeracy’ will speak specifically of their participation and understanding of the learning tasks within this subject only. If you would like to find out more about your child’s overall maths progress in the classroom, an interview can be booked under ‘Core’ with the teacher indicated in the letter sent home.
We look forward to seeing our Mothers and significant others next week for the Wonder Woman breakfast, Mother’s Day Liturgy and classroom visits. The students have been working hard to prepare for exciting activities within their classroom spaces in anticipation of your visit.
Erin Emmett and Penny Jenner
F-4 Community Leaders
Years 1 and 2
We had an exciting start to this Term with our visit from Kristy and Lexie from the Responsible Pet Ownership Program. Students learnt how to be a responsible pet owner, how to respond and act safely around a dog that is scared, happy or angry and also how to safely pat a dog. What a great start to Term 2!
In mathematics this week, Years 1 and 2 students are continuing their work on subtraction. It is great to see our confidence grow when applying new skills and strategies.
In Literacy we are consolidating our phonics, practicing correct letter formation and writing complete sentences. We use our 'choppers' to segment words - as you can see in the photos below.
Year 1 students are beginning a unit on Astronomy and Year 2 students Early Asian Civilisations. Stay tuned for some information about these topics in the coming weeks!
Don't forget homework folders each Friday morning so new homework can be sent home.
We are busy creating some surprises for Mothers Day next week - we hope you enjoy this sneak peak!
Don't forget our Mother's Day Liturgy next Wednesday at 9.15am, followed by some Mothers Day activities in our classrooms.