Parish News
Weekly bulletins and parish information can be found at:
Mass Times
Week Day Masses (Tuesday and
Thursday): see Parish Diary Dates
Saturday (2nd and 4th Saturday of the month): 6.00pm - please note changes for February 2023 noted belo
Sunday: 8.30am
First Sunday of month 11.30am
Third Sunday of month 12.00pm
Reconciliation – Second Saturday of the month at 5.30pm (before 6pm Mass) in St Aug’s Church Kyabram.
Mass of Anointing is held the first Thursday of the month at 10.00am in St Augustine’s Church.
Parish Support
Thank you to our generous givers for your ongoing support of our Parish! Our Planned Giving and collections are for parish operating expenses, churches maintenance, clergy support and presbytery support. If you are a new parishioner or now in a position to give there are many ways to give to our church needs.
Giving is by way of church envelopes, direct debit or periodic credit card payments and is flexible to suit your preference of weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly and half yearly or yearly. You can also give without a set pledge amount or timeframe to give by. We encourage anyone who is not on the Planned Giving Program to contact the Parish Office. Thank you for considering this option to support our Parish.
Congratulations to Fr John
Congratulations to Father John, who recently celebrated his 12th year of Ordination. We pray for Father John as he continues to minister to our Parish. May God bless him always.
Parish Finance Council
A reminder the next Parish Finance Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 9th May at 7pm in the Parish Meeting room.
National Sorry Day Mass
There will be a National Sorry Day Mass held on Friday 26th May at 11.30am in the Brigidine Centre. We would love to see lots of parishioners to join in the special occasion.
Sandpiper E-News
The link to the latest Sandpiper e-News can be found here: Sandpiper
Pentecost with Sandhurst Youth Ministry
Young People ages 15-35 are invited to gather together to celebrate Pentecost! There will be music from Melbourne musician Gen Bryant and her band, talks and other activities and a BBQ. We will also celebrate the Pentecost Vigil Mass as part of the evening.
Further information, including how to register, will be available on Instagram and Facebook on the Sandhurst Youth Ministry pages to find out more.
Saturday 27th May. Our Lady’s Church, Wangaratta Sth. 5.30–9.30pm (arrive from 5pm)