From the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,


I would like to extend a warm welcome to you all as we begin Term 2.


In this week's newsletter, I would like to remind our parents and caregivers of important events taking place at the beginning of this term.  


Subject Teacher Conversations

To offer feedback regarding your child's learning growth, a Subject Teacher Conversation afternoon/evening has been planned for Thursday 11th May. Bookings for TA/Subject Teacher Conversations were made available on Thursday 27th April at 9.30am via PAM and close today, Friday 5th May, at 4.00pm. Interview times will begin at 3.00pm and end at 7.30pm. 


Senior School Formal: Years 9-12 

I am delighted to announce that St Augustine’s College will be hosting a Senior School Formal for our Years 9-12 students on Thursday 8th June, 2023. An Expression of Interest invitation was sent to all Years 9-12 parents. You are still most welcome to indicate your child's attendance to the Senior College Formal using this link.


Parenting Strategies for Success Seminar 

I would like to invite parents to attend a parent seminar that will be held on Thursday 8th June from 7.00pm - 8.30pm. The Parenting Strategies for Success Seminar is an excellent opportunity to help parents support their children in becoming well organised, developing positive study habits, setting practical ground rules to manage work, ethic and social media distractions and helping parents communicate effectively to help build their child's learning confidence for academic success. Further information will be forthcoming. 


Wonder Woman’s Breakfast and Liturgy

Our Wonder Woman’s Breakfast will be held next Wednesday, 10th May from 8.00am. This event will be held in our Brigidine Centre. Some seating will be provided and the breakfast will be served by our student leaders and parent volunteers. We are looking forward to showcasing some student artwork on this occasion. 


Students in the F-4 Community will attend a special Mother’s Day Liturgy in St Augustine’s Church after the Wonder Woman’s Breakfast beginning at 9.15am until 10.00am and we invite parents and caregivers of these children to join us. Following this, classroom activities that parents and caregivers can experience in the F - 4 Community will be held until recess time. 


National School Improvement Review

Last term I announced that St Augustine’s College will undertake the National School Improvement Tool (NSIT) Review in 2023. I am seeking parent voice as part of the NSIT review. The NSIT Review team would like to interview approximately 12 parents on Tuesday 16th May from 2.45pm until 3.30pm. Ideally, the interviews will take place face to face, but in the event you are unable to attend in person, virtual interviews/phone calls could be an option. If you would be willing to provide feedback to the review team, I request that you complete this LINK by Wednesday 10th May.


Jay Sutton
