Religious Education

Year 2 & Prep Prayers in PJs

A reminder about our upcoming Prayer in PJs and Family Mass events for this term. Please stay tuned for more information from the class teachers


Year 2 Prayer in PJs - Tuesday 26th July @ 5:30 pm

Year 2 Family Mass -  Saturday 6th August @ 5:30 pm


Prep Prayer in PJs - Tuesday 2nd August @ 5:30 pm

Prep family Mass - Saturday 20th August @ 5:30 pm

Family Gospel Reflection - Sunday 24th July

Gospel Reading

Luke 11:1-13

Jesus teaches the disciples about prayer.


Family Connection

When someone in our family is going through a hard time, we can't just sit by and watch. We try to do everything we can to let him or her know that he or she is not alone. Sometimes we even try to find a special gift for him or her—something that will help that person to understand how important he or she is to us. Talk about times in your family when this has happened.


Like a good parent, God saw that his children needed help. He decided to offer his beloved children a special gift to reveal his love. What did God give us? Not a thing, but a person—the Father's beloved Son, Jesus. Jesus, in turn, taught us to approach God as we would approach a loving father. He gave us the words of a prayer that we call the Our Father, or the Lord's Prayer.


Read aloud Luke 11:1-13. Talk about how Jesus teaches us to be persistent in prayer. Think of times when family members were persistent about something until they were able to achieve a goal or receive what they sought. Talk about what it means to be persistent in prayer. Help your children understand that prayer is not like sitting on Santa Claus's lap, asking for what we want until we get it. Emphasize that prayer is a way of striving to recognize how God is reaching out to us in love and responding by presenting him with our needs.


Conclude this time together by joining hands and praying the Lord's Prayer.


Steele Anderson

Religious Education Leader