Outside the Classroom

Year 9 Career Expo
Recently Year 9 visited the Careers Expo at the Melbourne Convention Centre where we explored possible career directions and met with representatives from a range of industries. After the Expo we visited Southbank for lunch and finished the day with games and bowling at Crown.
Bell Primary Visits
Here are two recent article from the Bell Primary newsletter, thank you for sharing them with us!
Coburg High School Taster
On Wednesday, the 3rd August, we the Year 6s of Bell Primary School visited Coburg High School to have a taster of being a scientist in their science labs. We learnt a number of things; we looked at animal specimens for biology, this included organisms such as snakes, algae and sea sponges. Then we looked at a demonstration on how fireworks are coloured by using a flame from a bunsen burner and different compounds to create coloured fire, then we measured liquids acidity or alkalinity using a cabbage solution. All this thinking made us hungry so we enjoyed a bite to eat at the Bytes Cáfe.
We thoroughly enjoyed a taste of being a student at Coburg High School. Everyone who is going to Coburg High in 2023 is very excited for the future. We send a huge thank you to our science teachers for the day.
Written by Atticus & Jakken
Mandarin Session at Bell
On Monday 1st August the Year 5/6s at Bell Primary School was lucky enough to have Simone Laiu, the head of languages at Coburg High School, come and teach us some words and characters in Mandarin.
We interpreted some basic language including greetings, everyday words and short sentences by using Simone’s body language and tone as she repeated words in Mandarin.
Next, we watched a video explaining Chinese characters/symbols, learning how to use them to create multiple words and meanings. Finally, at the end of the lesson we learned how to write the word China using the Chinese symbols and a story about the origin.
Everyone really enjoyed the lessons and learnt lots in one short lesson. It was a great taster, especially for grade 6 to see what it would be like to learn a language at high school next year. We are very grateful to have had the opportunity to learn some Mandarin with Simone.
Written by Finlay & Xanthe