Secondary News

Biggest Morning Tea
As part of VCAL we all have to organise an individual project as part of our studies. All VCAL students have to help with each others projects.
I chose to hold a Morning Tea to raise funds for the Cancer Council. I organised activities for the junior students which included a colouring competition for Years F-6 and decorating teacups for the Years 4-6.
Prize winners Colouring:
Foundation: William
Year 1: Zoe H
Year 2: Eliza
Year 3: Charlotte B.
Year 4/5/6: Lily E.
Decorating Teacups:
Year 4: Chloe V.
Year 5: Maizy
Year 6: Marcus
The VCAL students and I made cupcakes, slice and mini teacups to sell at our bake sale at morning recess.
I am proud to announce that a sum of $267 was raised on the day. Thank you all for your support.
A special thanks to all of the VCAL students, Mrs Riley, Mrs Hawkins and Mrs Stringer for helping me to organise the day.
Luke Braithwaite
Year 9 Harrow Excursion
On the last day of Semester Two, the Year 9 class went on an excursion to Harrow and learnt about the history of Harrow and its people. We had been studying this for Humanities in the lead up to our excursion.
The first stop was the Harrow Cemetery, where we got to walk around and look at the historic graves, including Johnny Mullagh. It was interesting to see his grave after learning about his life.
We then got the opportunity to go and visit the Harrow Discovery Centre where we got to look around and interact with all of the amazing things that the museum had to offer. We were particularly interested in seeing the bunk beds that were used by the Australian Cricketers when travelling to England and the Mullagh medal which is presented at the Boxing Day Test.
After the visit we went to look at the old Log Gaol and the old houses in town, before heading down to the river to play on the play ground and have a very tasty lunch from the Harrow Café.
Year 9 Humanities Class
Year 12 Biology Excursion Melbourne University
Gideon Ziersche, Alana Ryan, Trinity Hollis, Rachael Maddern and Molly Payne successfully completed practical tasks at Melbourne University on Friday 22nd July. The students anaesthetised the flies using carbon dioxide and viewed them under a stereomicroscope.
They looked at the progeny of the wild type flies and vestigial wing flies over 15 generations to study natural selection.
The students used the Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) to test which individuals would have resistance to the flue.
They experienced the university facilities to receive lectures, demonstrations and practical lessons. It was also an excellent chance to use equipment and techniques that are part of their course.
Thank you Mr McClure for driving and supervising the students.
Miss Craig