Religious Education

Michelle Hinds

‘You worry and fret about so many things, and yet few are needed, 
indeed only one. 

Luke 10:38-42

Parish Bulletin

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

The weekend's Gospel according Luke generates multiple commentaries regarding sisters, Mary and Martha. Both women are valuable and have a purpose. Do we align ourselves as Mary or Martha in this biblical narrative? 


In Martha and Mary we have a model of the true love of God. Both sisters loved our Divine Lord, but they showed their love in different ways. Mary was all absorbed, listening to and meditating on His words,  forgetting everything else.  Whereas Martha was fretting and worrisome about her work as described by Jesus Himself.


Do we engage in the quality of listening intently to God's Word and our contentedness with what we have, or do we despair and occupy ourselves with unnecessary worry, domestication and work?


Bringing attention to the Word and to our own families is so important and faith-filling that we need to recognise how significantly this sits in our lives, as once the moment is gone, it may be lost forever.

Sacrament of First Eucharist

This term, students will be preparing for the Sacrament of First Eucharist.

The Parent Information Workshops are scheduled for:

Wednesday 20th July at 7p.m OR Wednesday 27th July at 7p.m

These will be held in the St Agatha's Church.


The Sacramental Timetable for further dates has been included for your reference.



Be nurtured and grow.


Michelle Hinds

Religious Education Leader