Real Rest by Zac Sparks, School Chaplain

Real Rest by Zac Sparks, School Chaplain

Before you read this, know that you:

- need to be kind to yourself

- should take a deep breath in and out whenever you can

- aren’t responsible for fixing everything that’s broken

- don’t have to please everyone

- don’t have to have everything figured out- have permission to rest

 – as long as you’re the one who gives yourself permission.


I was having a conversation with one of your awesome teachers about how we can feel like the holiday break went too quick. That was day one of term three … because holidays and weekends are great, it’s a well-deserved break, we need more than a few days to really relax. The lead-up to the weekend or the holidays can give us this anticipation that a ‘reset’ will happen within ourselves.But the response this teacher had when we were talking about the holidays feeling too quick was –


yes, but we wouldn’t want to wish our lives away like that would we?


How true

...So that leaves us to question…


Why do we still feel like we need more rest?

What the heck is ‘real rest’?

How do we enjoy each-and-every day?


No one can claim they have mastered ‘real rest’ and it’s different for everyone.Instead, maybe we should take time out of our day - and I mean any day that we feel unrest - to reflect on questions such as:


Have I made time today to do something I want to do?

Sometimes we forget to cheer ourselves up and pursue what we enjoy.


Have I got something to look forward too?

Studies have shown that looking forward to something gives us motivation.


What task do I need to just start doing right now so I don’t worry about it later?

Sometimes we are stalling, but maybe that’s because we are run down, consider taking on only what you can manage at one time.


What has caused me to feel run-down right now?

Consider what activities you regularly do day-to-day, sometimes we are sabotaging ourselves by staying up too late, staring at screens, talking to the wrong people,etc.


When have I last felt at peace?

Maybe we can’t control how life is now, or travel back in the past, but it can be healthy to reflect on what has helped you feel at peace, and then realise what you may need to change.


How can I create a space for peace and quiet at home?

Get cosy - Find a blanket and some comfy clothes.

Avoid social media - It’s just too much for our brains most days, instead maybe read a book or use your technology to create art, or catch up with a close friend, or watch something inspiring – podcasts are great.

Make it smell great - you’ll be surprised how easily a smell can give you a headache –so get some candles or open a window.

Add something nice to look at - We all have a picture that we’ve seen that looks  nice, maybe get a copy of it, and put it in your house.

Add some green - Low maintenance plants are great, it’s nice to add some life to your house. Seeing a new leaf grow is always exciting. Or perch yourself by a window or go outside.


Have I written all my worries down and left them in another room for a little bit?

Try this fun activity if you fancy it, sometimes our brain can tire quite easily whenwe try to use it as a note board.


Wisdom is knowing when to have rest, when to have activity, and how much of each to have.”

— Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Indian yoga guru.


There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.”

— Alan Cohen, Author.


The world needs you to be the best you!

Maybe it’s time to complete a new journey – when you’re ready - find what helps you to rest.

Peace be with you