Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden and Food Technology

Thai Beef Salad in a Tortilla Basket

Year 9/10 have continued to develop their skill set to produce the most mouth-watering Thai Beef salad in a Tortilla Basket. Students learnt how to marinate and cook steak, create a 3D baked tortilla shell and present the food in a professional manner. Well done Stage 5. I can’t wait to see what you produce for the High Tea in the next couple of weeks. 


It was two weeks full of mixed weather conditions. Year 6 were lucky enough to visit the Ag plot and they used their maths skills to track the growth of all the plants, worked out the median for each plant and plotted this information onto graphs. Due to wet weather Year 4-5 and 2-3 played a game called 'What am I and where do I grow'. Congratulations to Kayden and William (Year 2-3) and Ellie, Skylar and  Mackenzie ( Year 4-5) for correctly identifying the most plant names and grow locations.  Year 1-2 had played a sorting game matching the name of the plant to the image and finished off the lesson with some vegetable bingo.  All students are continuing to build their knowledge of fruits and vegetables through a range of practical applications. 


This week we made Frittata Muffins a delicious and easy recipe which has a range of hidden vegetables. This would make a great healthy afternoon snack. Students continued practising their egg cracking, whisking and cutting skills. Each class continues to be given more and more responsibility in the kitchen learning how to collect, measure and proportion their ingredients. A special mention to Year 4-5 who were eagerly seeking additional duties to ensure that the class finished on time and left the kitchen in an immaculate condition.  As always it has been a pleasure teaching these classes. 


Mrs Golden - Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden - Food Technology Teacher