Diary Dates and


Events may need to be adjusted to suit COVID-19 restrictions in place at the time.

WeekAugust 2022TimeEvent
5Mon 15 -Fri 19 AugustAll dayHSC Trial Examinations
6Monday 22 August




Subject Selection information  Evening:

Students entering Yrs 9 in 2023

Students entering Yrs 11 in 2023.

During Term 3 a team of NSW Health Nurse immunisers will be visiting Boorowa Central School to continue with the following vaccines are being offered to students in 2022: 

YearVaccineNumber of doses
7Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine2-doses at least 6mths apart


(whooping cough) vaccine

Single dose
10Meningococcal ACWY vaccineSingle dose

Catch-up vaccination will also be made available for any missed doses to students that had a consent signed in 2021, include: 

  • Year 8 (for HPV and dTpa vaccination)
  • Year 11(for Meningococcal ACWY vaccination) 

If your child did not receive a consent card or has received the vaccine elsewhere or you wish to withdraw consent for any reason, please also contact Albury Public Health on 02 6053 4800 and press Option3 to discuss.

For more information about the NSW School vaccination Program, please visit www.health.nsw.gov.au/immunisation/Pages/schoolvaccination.aspx


Reminder: All school fees and elective fees are  now overdue. Payment should be made via the 'make a payment' tab on the Boorowa Central School website.

Secondary elective fee payment is compulsory.


Please use this link to access the 'make a payment' tab.
