Junior School News

Junior School Report 


While this past week has been difficult and presented many moments of challenge, I would like you to take a moment to reflect on what you have each achieved whilst transiting back to report learning. We (the Junior School Team) are very proud of you all for checking your lesson plans multiple times each day, using Webex to connect with your teachers and peers, your ability to keep yourselves on track and complete the activities and tasks you have been set independently and using forms of communication you may not be used to such as Learning Task comments, emails, Compass discussions and Webex chats with your teachers and the education support staff of Greensborough College.  


We thank the Parents/Carers who are working at home with their children and assisting them with their remote learning, issues they face with class work and/or concerns over the lockdown. Your support is greatly appreciated by all staff at Greensborough College. If you or your child need assistance during this time please don’t hesitate to get in contact with a member of the Junior School Team and we would be happy to help. 


Hopefully this will be a short lockdown and we will back at school at the end of next week. Keep up the great work Year 7, 8 and 9s. 


Miss Triance 

Junior School Engage and Wellbeing Leader 



Despite the challenges of 2021, I am proud to say that Greensborough College’s students continue to perform admirably in response to the situation around them. Our students have shown courage in the face of uncertainty and have continued to demonstrate aspiration in their learning. 


While (yet another) lockdown is frustrating, there have been moments of joy in the face of adversity. It has warmed our hearts to see so many students online during our Webex sessions, positive messages of support shared, and creative ways of overcoming the boredom of social isolation. Hearing how eager students are to get back to on-site learning is a boost to morale. 


When the restrictions lift, we will return to school more appreciative than ever. Being able to work hands-on and face-to-face is something we all look forward to. Our new oval and soccer field await, and the silhouette of our new buildings now grace the schoolgrounds.  


Many thanks to the Parents and Carers who are checking-in with their children. It makes a world of difference to have families supporting the learning of our students. All Greensborough staff appreciate your support in continue our students’ learning. Thank you. 


Keep communicating. Stay safe. Stay well.  


Nick Heading 

Year 7 Level Leader 


 Well done to the year 8 cohort on another great semester at Greensborough College. It was great seeing all the students back at school, in classes, being productive and enthusiastic with your learning. Unfortunate the last couple of weeks has had a little bit of a Groundhog Day feel to it. I know that this period of time is difficult for a number of students for a number of different reasons. Not being able to see your friends in the classroom, not being able to play your sports on the weekend and not being able to engage face to face with your teachers. The resilience you that you all will develop from this period of time will have you in great steed in the future. Remember that if you are finding it difficult to contact us so that we can help support you.  


It was fantastic to see all of your faces running around the school after not being able to see you in person for so long last year. Your enthusiasm to be back at school was noted by all of your classroom teachers, out at interschool sports when you represented Greensborough College, at the Athletics Carnival and in the school yard.   


Soon the restrictions will lift once again and we will be able to interact with each other in person once again. Term 3 also means that you all will be able to utilise the new sports field during your lunch breaks and you all will be closer to the new buildings that you will utilise for years to come.  


I have had the privilege of teaching every student in year 8 over the last year and a half and I can honestly say that you are such a great cohort to teach. This year as the year 8 level leader I have had the privilege of working with you all on another level.  


With some staff movement at school, I have been given the opportunity to lead the senior school as the Senior School Engagement and Wellbeing Leader. This means that I will no longer be your co-ordinator next semester. However, I will still see you around the school and look forward to our kick to kicks of the footy during lunch.  


Anthony Ellul 

Year 8 Level Leader 


In these unusual times the importance of finding ways to stay healthy and to maintain social connection is more vital than ever. Greensborough College prides itself in creating a healthy community, physically, emotionally and socially. 


As the Year 9 Coordinator and Year 9 Math's Teacher, I have been really impressed with how motivated the students are in showing up to their Webex sessions and how confident and frequently they are emailing me when they require assistance. 


As a parent and teacher, I cannot emphasise the importance of student participation during remote learning. It's important to include some time when an entire class is online together. Not only does that allow for prompt teacher feedback, it enables teachers and students to maintain connections and feel part of a group, which is more important now than ever.  


It is here where teachers make the goals and expectations that are written on ‘Compass’ crystal clear and specify what tasks are required to be completed. It also helps to ensure that students have a clear plan for how they’ll engage in this schoolwork.  


So Year 9’s lets make it a priority to attend every Webex session scheduled during this lockdown, read our Compass Lesson Plans daily and check our Compass emails frequently. Hopefully this will be a short lockdown and we will back at school next week. 


Ms. Matheou 

Year 9 Level Leader