Year 7 - 9 Social & Emotional Learning Program

Connect Report 


At Greensborough College we deliver a Social and Emotional Learning program to all year 7, 8 and 9 students through their Connect class. Throughout this term, we have focused on investing time in our preventative curriculum.  


At the beginning of the term, this involved all Year 7, 8 and 9 students participating in the Bully Zero incursion which is a curriculum program that prevents and reduces bullying through evidence-based education, advocacy and support for all communities across Australia. Students were provided with evidence-based information on bullying, the different types of bullying and its impact on young people. Students were also taught a variety of strategies to help them assess and respond to bullying situations, whilst also identifying and understanding the role of bystanders. For more information please visit 


The Year 8 students were also lucky enough to participate in a 4 week program called ‘Stand Up’ which has been facilitated by Kids First Australia. This is a Respectful Relationships and Consent prevention program designed for secondary schools, many schools in the region have taken part in this program over the last few years. For more information please visit 


We were very impressed with the level of participation, questions asked and the discussions held during these sessions between students, external facilitators and staff. Keep up the great effort Junior School Students. 


Meegan Triance 

Junior School Engage and Wellbeing Leader 


Karina Dienjes 

Wellbeing Coordinator