Class Page- Prep  

As Semester 1 comes to an end, PrepA have a lot of achievements to look back on and be proud of. They have had a busy start to their first year of school, working very hard to build a fabulous foundation for their educational journey. Some highlights to mention include their wonderful effort to use the Sounds-Write phonics program to learn the letters of the alphabet and their common sounds. PrepA is excelling in sounding out words at every opportunity! We recently received i-Pads for the classroom and students have been keen to access available programs including Reading Eggs, Mathletics and SeeSaw. Students have been interested in hands-on Maths tasks and embraced our measurement challenge to measure our own heights with Uni-fix blocks.  


When asked about their personal highlights so far this year, they responded with the following comments:


Hunter- working with our Big Buddies on different things

Taylor- making our letter V volcanoes

Seth W.- learning about big cats in Science and Buddies sessions

Harmony- using Reading Eggs on the i-Pad

Liam C.- the things Mr Lelliott teaches us in Science

Connor- the fun stuff we do like P.M.P

Mikala- playing on the playground with my friends and sports

Kyran- Science and the animals we are learning about

Evelyn- playing games with my friends

Joey- making new friends and playing outside

Seth H.- making friends and playing on the playground

Jordan- P.M.P., especially rolling on the mats

Liham- doing sports, especially running

Nataya- singing songs in Music and making things in Art

Benny- doing activities with the Big Buddies

Lenny- doing our letter craft- especially making a B bee and an S snake