From the Classrooms 

Preparations For Carols On The Green

Students' creative juices have been flowing in Performing Arts over the past few weeks as they have been busy coming up with dance moves to include in their items for the end of year concert. It is such a joyful experience seeing students putting their best effort into learning the songs and having an absolute ball together with their peers. Keep an eye out for resources from Mrs Knoll in the next week that will help children practise their musical items at home.


Check out the video below to see some of the moves that might make an appearance on December 7! 

Congratulations Lenny & Isaac!

Lenny and Isaac attended the State Athletics. Lenny competed in the 80m Hurdles and Isaac in Discus. Both did an amazing job representing themselves and the school. 

Well done Lenny and Isaac, this is a fantastic effort and the RNPS community are very proud.

Letter from Zach

Dear RNPS community,


There is no word in the English language to describe how grateful I am for the signed Hawks jumper you all gave me. I have had a tough year fighting Long COVID but every time I look at the Hawks jumper, it will remind me of how supportive my community is and that I can achieve anything, no matter how hard things get. One of the many things I have learnt from being sick for so long, is that you don't know what you have until you don't have it anymore, so enjoy today. Thanks for caring so much, it means a lot to me.


Love Zach Stocker (Grade 5) 

RNPS have the most amazing community and couldn’t be summed up better than the support shown to the Stocker Family at Saturday nights Bogan Bingo!

Rather than auctioning off the 2022 autographed Hawthorn jumper that was donated to us from the Hawthorn Football club, a suggestion and collection was instigated by Belinda Goodwin to ‘gift’ the jumper to Zach Stocker! 

It was an honour to present it to Karina and Carl Stocker on behalf of our wonderful community!  Thank you for your generosity RNPS families!


Canteen News

Hot days are back! 

ALL just $1 each (canteen counter sales) 

Frozen Strawberries stick 

Frozen pineapple ring

Frozen grapes 

Juicy icy pole 

Frozen jelly cup


As we are trying to reduce the use of plastic, if students only come to the canteen to get a spoon or fork, please note that there is a charge for this. Plastic spoons or forks are 30 cents each.


Canteen - Vivian and Evelyn 


Grade 6 Coffee & Cake Fundraiser

The Grade 6’s are hosting two “Coffee and Cake” mornings to raise money for our Big Day Out in December! They will be held on the basketball courts of RNPS at 8:30-9:30am on the 17th and 24th of November. There will be cakes, coffees and assorted snacks on offer for you to buy. Entry is free, but we would really appreciate if you bring cash to buy cakes and coffee and help us go on our Big Day Out!!


When- November 17th and 24th 

Where- RNPS basketball court

Prices- Free entry, cash for cakes and coffee

Time- 8:30am-9:30am