News of the Week

Welcome back to the first Student Newsletter for Term 4. We hope you all had a wonderful break. It is great to be back at school and seeing all our friends and teachers. Everyone has been very excited about getting back to school.
Sean - Foundation : I went to a hotel in the city and it had a pool on the roof. I went for 2 days. One day I looked at the pool at night and it glows blue at night.
Nate - Foundation: I went to McDonalds. I also went to my cousin's house.I also went to the beach. I had so much fun and the water was very nice.
Che - 1/2: I drove up to Uluru and slept in the car.
Briar - 1/2: I went to Port Douglas and Bendigo. At Bendigo, I went to a party and I went to a pool.
Kirra 3/4: I went to Thailand and got my hair braided. When we got back I got lambs there name are Thelma and Louise but they are now at my Nonna and Nonno's farm.
Hugo 3/4: I went to Thailand, Phuket and Changmai. We played with Elephants. We played with Elephants in the mud and we also had some yummy food. We also went snorkelling and we watched the fire show.
Sadly due to rain the walkathon has been postponed tomorrow until Thursday (20th) next week. We are still going ahead with the sausage sizzle tomorrow. Also a big thanks to John and Nic’s C’s dad for the sausages and Steve H for cooking them! All the money we raise will go to new sports equipment for our classrooms. We can’t wait to see everyone there!
What sport are you playing?
What did you do in the golf competition in order to get to the SSV?
I was 4th out of 12 girls and I can't wait to compete in the SSV final.
Where are you playing and have you played there before, how do you feel about it?
I’m playing at Keysborough golf course and I haven't played there before. I’m super excited but a bit nervous.
Did you have fun playing in all the competitions so far?
It was good because I was having lots of fun playing with my friends and sometimes it would challenge me.
A big congratulations to Sophie for getting through the first 2 rounds and we wish her good luck for the final.
We had an amazing Art Show on the first Tuesday back at school this term. A super big thank you to Mrs Kimball for teaching us the art. Thanks to Mrs Kimball and Sigi for making all the displays and Mrs Marziano for making the virtual newsletter of the art show.
Did you enjoy the Art Show?
Yes, my favourite part was seeing the fishes.
Did you like showing your parents your work?
Yes and my parents loved the other work.
Do you like art?
Yes, because I like to paint different things.
What artwork did you have?
For the art show I did a tiger, rainbow clouds and rainbow birds
Why did you enjoy it?
I enjoyed the art show because I saw all my amazing artwork
Did you like showing your parents your work?
Yes I like showing my parents my work because they can see my amazing art work and my mum and dad loved everyone's work.
What artwork did you have?
For the art show I worked on a bird and a pumpkin
Why did you enjoy it?
I enjoyed the art show because I got to see other students work
Did you like showing your parents your work?
Yes, because they really liked my work.
What artwork did you have in the art show?
I had birds and pumpkins.
Why did you enjoy it?
I enjoyed it because sometimes when I looked at the art I was trying to find mine.
Did you like showing your parents your work?
Yes because I got to show them my hard work.
Ava H
What artwork did you have?
The art work I worked on for the art show were; castles, owls fish and shapes
Why did you enjoy it?
I enjoyed it because it was fun and I got to see other art classes.
Did you like showing your parents your work?
Yes because my artwork was cool.
Ava C
What artwork did you have?
We had fish, castles, owls and shapes.
Why did you enjoy it?
Because I worked really hard on my art work.
Did you like showing your parents your work?
Yes because our art work was amazing.
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The year 5/6’s have done a town, animal enrichment toys and green screen. We are looking forward to seeing what we are doing this term!
On the 9th of December from 4pm - 6pm everyone is going to celebrate the Christmas concert. In the concert every class is singing and dancing to a different song. We hope everyone can come and watch and enjoy the concert.
A huge congratulations to Tess for making the Victorian soccer team. She leaves Victoria on Sunday and comes back the following Monday. She’ll be playing against the other states in Western Australia, and we hope she does amazing and Victoria wins. Make sure to wish her good luck when you see her on the school grounds.
Just a gentle reminder that when riding your bikes and scooters or walking to and from school please remember to cross at the school crossings. At the moment we have some children trying to cross on the corner of Albert and Barkly Street. It is a very busy intersection and because there are lots of parked cars it is very hard to see the children. It is for your safety that we ask you to cross at the crossings. Mrs Marziano and I will be keeping an eye out when we are on duty before and after school.
We have now been back at school for a week so if you do not wear/bring your hat you will be asked to sit under the verandah. It is lovely to see our students in their summer uniform and the addition of the school jumper makes the uniform look very neat and tidy. Thank you for wearing your uniforms so beautifully.
Just a reminder that extreme hairstyles are not allowed at school, hair below shoulder length must be worn up at all times, no jewellery except a cross necklace and sleepers or studs and only clear nail polish. Thank you for your understanding.
Well………we can finally say goodbye to our “lovely” shipping container. Our sport and bike sheds are now up and being enjoyed by Miss Richards and the bike and scooter riders.
Yours in partnership
Wendy Sullivan