From the 1/2 Classrooms


Students began Term 4 Literacy being introduced to the genre of Poetry. Students were immersed into literature through exposure during our guided reading and writing lessons, as well as during visits to our school Library. Many picture story books have been read for enjoyment, with students collaborating with the teacher and joining in with the reading to emphasise the rhyming words on each page. 


During our guided reading sessions, students have been tasked with identifying the nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in our mentor poems. This is a great time to collaborate with our peers and even try using a dictionary as a tool to assist us.


In writing, we have looked at features of poetry, the purpose and intended audiences and then spent time writing our own poems, complimenting the style that was studied each week. 


We have learnt that sometimes it’s hard to collaborate and communicate our ideas in a big group, but in a small group our voices are heard more willingly. We also learnt that for most students, working with others was preferable compared with working independently as there were more opportunities to bounce ideas off of each other making it easier and more enjoyable to write our own poems. 


We have studied acrostic, alliteration, number, repetition and rhyming poems. 

Please enjoy photographs of some of our poetry, in both draft and published forms.