BPPS Mini Fete Proposal Saturday 26th November 2022

About our School

Boroondara Park Primary School is located in Almond Street, Balwyn North. 

Boroondara Park PS is a co-educational school from Prep to Year Six. With an enrolment of around 440 students, we are a school that values community and sense of belonging. This is the hallmark of Boroondara Park PS. 


About our mini-Fete

Our Fete provides a day of entertainment for all who attend.  We will have an array of stalls available including a cake stall, book stall and a chocolate toss game. There will also be a BBQ, cold drinks and coffee available. 


Why Sponsor us?

The Boroondara Park PS Mini Fete is an important fundraiser for our School Council.  The proceeds allow us to continue to provide resources and equipment for the education and wellbeing of students and staff and to support the community.  Past fetes have provided funds to support our bottom oval project.  Fundraising from the 2022 Mini Fete will help assist with the cost of providing additional outdoor and indoor seating as requested by our students.


Sponsorship Time Frame

The sponsorship package commences upon receipt and confirmation of your donation and continues up to, and including Mini Fete Day.


Sponsorship Opportunities and Benefits

Boroondara Park PS offers sponsors excellent community exposure. Sponsorship may include a cash donation or pro bono goods and/or services.  Alternatively, you could donate a prize for our raffle. 



Prizes Unlimited


Sponsorship Packages Explained               



Sponsorship Exposure and Benefits




Prize Donation

Acknowledgement of your level of sponsorship with your company name and logo in the school Newsletter before and after the Mini Fete




Logo only


Company Name only

Inclusion of company name and/or logo on school FB page before and after the Mini Fete


3 Posts


2 Post


Logo only


Company Name only

Opportunity to display sponsor banner on the day of Mini Fete (your banner to be supplied with attachments and be 1 x 3m)





The benefits from your chosen sponsorship package will take effect once payment and/or goods and/or services are received by Boroondara Park Primary School. 

Payment Options for Cash Sponsorship

  1. Cheque. Payable to         Boroondara Park Primary School 
  2. Direct Bank Deposit.       Account Name: Boroondara Park Primary School                                                                 BSB: 063-210 Account Number: 10039483

A receipt and confirmation letter will be forwarded to you upon receipt of cheque or bank deposit


Options for provision of goods and/or services

Please contact the Boroondara Park PS to arrange collection or delivery of goods and/or services before Friday 25th November 2022. 

P: 9857 5157 E: boroondara.park.ps@education.vic.gov.au



Please provide your logo or any other image you would like included in our Newsletter and Facebook Page. Digital images or logos should be in EPS, hi-resolution JPEG format. 


To discuss opportunities outlined in this proposal, please contact: 

Rahima Lang, Business Manager

P: 9857 5157

E: boroondara.park.ps@education.vic.gov.au