Junior School Council News

Term 4 Junior School Council Upcoming Events 

  • Remembrance Day - Friday 11th November (Week 6)
  • World Kindness Day - Tuesday 15th November (Week 7)
  • JSC - Social Service Day - Wednesday 7th December (Week 10)

Remembrance Day

It is 104 years since the ending of World War I and Remembrance Day is approaching quickly on Friday 11th November. 


The poppies from the local RSL have arrived at the school. To support  the RSL to raise  much-needed funds for their valuable welfare work, supporting veterans and their families, the Junior School Council Representatives will be selling poppies in classrooms over the next couple of weeks 


The following schedule outlines what grades will be visited on what days at 9am -

  • Thursday 3rd November - Grade 3 and 4
  • Friday 4th November - Foundation, Grade 1 and Grade 2
  • Monday 7th November - Grade 5 and 6
  • Tuesday 8th November - Grade 3 and 4
  • Wednesday 9th November - Foundation and Grade 1
  • Thursday 10th November - Grade 5 and 6
  • Friday 11th November - Grade 2

Poppies are $2 and $5, there are wristbands for $3 and key chains for $4.


If your child would like to purchase something to support the RSL and commemorate Remembrance Day, please ensure they bring money to school on the day that they have been scheduled.



World Kindness Day - Tuesday 15th November

On Tuesday the 15th of November we will be raising money for the Starlight Children’s Foundation.



The Starlight Children’s Foundation is a charity that has worked in partnership with health professionals for over 30 years to bring the fun, joy and laughter that helps sick kids be kids.


They help kids of all ages regardless of disability, injury or illness because what happens in childhood lasts a lifetime.


They believe in happiness because it matters to sick kids’ health.

  • Happiness helps sick kids feel more positive, confident and resilient
  • Happiness helps sick kids cope with the pain of illness and treatment
  • Happiness helps reduce fear, stress and 

On the day it is a free dress day and the theme is PYJAMAS!


So come to school in comfy dress and remember to bring a gold coin donation to raise money for the Starlight Children’s Foundation.


Written by Archie (4JT) and Ethan (4CM) on behalf of the Junior School Council.