Preps Week 5

This week in Prep we have worked on using different reading strategies when reading books, such as getting your mouth ready to say the beginning sound, reading the beginning and end sounds and using the picture to help read a word. Students have been pointing to words and predicting what will happen next in a story using prior knowledge and also retelling the events in a book by making a story map.

In writing we have been using our imagination to generate ideas and characters we may write about. The students have been very creative and have come up with many interesting ideas.

In Math we have represented a number in different ways and have been introduced to place value. We have also identified and looked at the difference between 2D and 3D shapes. Students have enjoyed the hands on activities very much.


As part of our integrated unit, our preps have been busy recycling items to make new things such as musical instruments, story characters and other interesting creations. It is amazing how creative students can be at reusing a variety of materials.


This week we have met in small groups in Google Meets, which has provided the opportunity for teachers and students to engage and interact in discussions, share ideas, show and tell and play some games together. It has been great to see the enthusiasm and confidence students are showing in these sessions.


We continue to appreciate and thank our wonderful families who are doing such a great job encouraging and supporting our students in their learning. The effort applied and work produced is fabulous.      We look forward to returning to school and being together in our classrooms very soon.

A reminder that if you have any concerns about remote learning, please get in touch with your child’s teacher.   

Have a great week of learning.

Anna, Amelia, Helen, Karri, Janeane, Tara and Amal