Learning At Home



View the video below for more tips on how you can encourage good reading habits in your child


Credit: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/encourage-good-reading-habits/


Ways to add math to your child’s day:

-Bake something together

You can’t help but use math when you’re baking. Doubling recipes requires multiplying, halving a recipe requires dividing, and measuring a ½ cup or a ¼ teaspoon gets you working with easy fractions. At a more basic level, kids love counting out chocolate chips. (And so do the parents; we speak from experience!)

Ask your child: How many chocolate chips do you think it will take to fill one cup?  How many for 1/2 cup? Count together and see how close you came to the right answer!

STEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths)

How You Can Encourage STEM at Home

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

These are the four subject areas that make up what is known as STEM education. Over the last several years, the importance of STEM has become increasingly clear. With the constant steps forward in technology in nearly every aspect of society, these subjects are those which can help students have an advantage in an ever-evolving professional environment.

But it’s not just about a career. Many kids will choose to pursue employment outside the fields of science, technology, engineering or mathematics. However, the skills involved in these areas can produce excellent benefits nonetheless, helping to turn our kids into the next generation of thought leaders and innovators.

Want to motivate your kids to incorporate STEM into their lives? Here’s how you can encourage STEM at home, and why you should.

Click here to find out howhttps://www.southernphone.com.au/Blog/2018/Jul/how-to-encourage-STEM-at-home