Star Of The Week

Star Of The Week


Congratulations to the following students.

Certificates will be presented at assembly.

Prep HWRiver SFor growing in confidence everyday and giving everything a go. Keep up the amazing effort River!
Prep JT Violet SFor always having a go and completing her work so beautifully. You are a terrific role model Violet, keep it up superstar! 
Prep STZe XinFor having a positive attitude towards her learning and taking pride in all that she does! Miss T is super impressed with you, well done Ze Xin.
1HBBridgette HFor constantly giving her best in to all her learning and being such a positive member of 1HB. Keep up the fabulous work Bridgette!
1JSPatrick DFor always being a kind and helpful member of the class. Keep up the great work Patrick!
1MDMarley LFor working hard to make her writing neater by using spaces and keeping her letters on the line. Well done Marley!
2CZJett PFor being an active participant and a great role model within the classroom.
2PCNate KFor demonstrating great attempts at spelling more difficult words.
3/4DZahlia J

For demonstrating great leadership around the classroom, by 

helping others and being respectful of her peers. Keep up the great work Zahlia!

34JPreston GFor displaying leadership qualities in the classroom and being helpful towards others.
34LAleyna HFor consistently being a fantastic role model in the classroom! Keep it up Aleyna.
34PNatasha HFor her outstanding work ethic and for the terrific leadership she displayed during group activities. Well done Natasha!
34ZBenyameenFor being a great role model at Batesford. Keep up the great work Ben!
56CJesse AFor persisting at his work and showing great ambition during the year so far. Well done Jesse!
56DEamon WFor a great job on his Big Write!
56IIsiah OFor being a conscientious worker who always strives to produce work of the highest standard.
P.EDanniella HFor great teamwork and sportsmanship in PE
MusicBria TFor great answers to questions in Music
STEMLuka PFor being a great team player and measurement guru in STEM