Online Learning in the Junior School

Ellis and Maya Stiffler set up their 'school at home ' routine

Online challenges!

In the Junior School we have had a busy but most uplifting time working together as a team to re-imagine teaching and learning remotely. We have discovered that anything is possible, once you set your mind to it. A positive outlook can achieve wonders! 


Kind messages of support from parents, like those below, have inspired us to forge ahead. All teachers knew how to post pictures and documents on Firefly, but now we are inserting video links, creating audio greetings and developing style guides to ensure consistent visual cues for the students. We are starting professional learning in Microsoft Teams and will soon begin creating our own videos.



Hi Helen and all the wonderful HT staff 

Thanks for all your efforts at this challenging time – adversity brings out the absolute best in those with commitment.  

With our appreciation 

Matt and Rache Russell



We acknowledge receipt of your email and we welcome school's decision and teaching method.

What's ahead of us is uncertain and challenging, but our trust for Huntingtower school, teachers and everyone in the Huntingtower community never been stronger. We also trust ourselves at a time of difficulty like this, try as much as possible be the example for our children to be resilient, calm and sensible. We appreciate that teachers will be at school next week to iron out any issues, we wish everyone the best and look forward to the day in the near future that we can hug each other free of any concerns. 

Take care and be in touch,

Ning Yang



We have also developed new talents among our staff. Mrs Beath, the Junior School Administrative Assistant, is recording a series of Mindfulness Sessions for our young people on the Wellbeing Page and is sharing some great strategies to help everyone feel relaxed and peaceful.


Mrs Williams has been working with such energy and enthusiasm as she teaches staff how to use the technology to its best advantage. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, she seems energised and excited as we all embrace the tools and ideas that she loves to share.


Some families began home study programs early and shared with us images of their new routines. As you can see, the Stiffler family, with Maya and Ellis, are already set up with their school routine.


Finally, the hatching of the chicks in ELC has brought delight to so many in our school community. It was wonderful to watch the miracle of a new life in person or online emerging before our eyes. Thank you to Mr Hellard and Mrs Cutler for sharing such a wonderful event with the whole community. 


From Dr Helen McDonald, Head of the Junior School