From the Principal

Brett Borbely, Ashlyn Kershaw, Elsa Shariff, Andrew Houghton, Olivia Hunt and Zoe Guymer

As we head into the term break after one week of continuous and online learning, I want to acknowledge all Huntingtower staff for the selfless hours they have put in to prepare, learn, adapt, communicate and care for the community during this transition. There is a saying that the success of any school is directionally proportionate to the quality of the staff. We are truly blessed that all our staff have as their absolute priority the goal of providing the best education and care for our students. I am truly grateful to every one of them and for the expressions of gratitude that have been flooding in from students and their parents. I am sure everyone in the HT Community also feels this way.


Thank you to all students and families for embracing this new way of learning. I have seen the Huntingtower values and spirit beautifully modelled as students hold themselves accountable to being online when required and complete work to the expected high standard. I hope parents are enjoying a new insight into their children’s learning process. I encourage you to read the daily Student Bulletins and become involved with some of the challenges set. We are all most definitely ‘braver than we believe, smarter than we seem and stronger than we think.’ (A.A. Milne)


As we all anticipate what Term 2 may look like, please be assured Huntingtower will continue to keep you informed of our plans. Teachers will work throughout the break to prepare and adapt to new regulations as and when they become available. While I cannot, at this stage, confirm whether we will physically be on campus when Term 2 commences, I can say we have a wonderful team of people who will continue to provide high-quality education in every way possible. 


Even though we are all presently consumed with information about COVID-19, this is a good time to reflect and remember that we are moving into Easter. Easter is a beautiful time of year that signifies rebirth in all sorts of ways.  .

During the term break I encourage families to reflect on the true meaning of Easter and the new beginnings we are all undertaking over the months ahead. I offer you this Easter prayer:


Lord God, you loved this world so much, that you gave your one and only Son, that we might be called your children too.

Lord, help us to live in the gladness and grace of Easter Sunday, every day.

Let us have hearts of thankfulness for your sacrifice.

Let us have eyes that look upon your grace and rejoice in our salvation.

Help us to walk in that mighty grace and tell your good news to the world.

All for your glory do we pray, Lord, Amen.


And from the Christian Science Hymnal:


Let us sing of Easter gladness

That rejoices every day,

Sing of hope and faith uplifted;

Love has rolled the stone away.

Lo, the promise and fulfillment,

Lo, the man whom God hath made,

Seen in glory of an Easter

Crowned with light that cannot fade.


I wish the community a happy Easter and ask you to stay safe, support each other, stay connected and I look forward to seeing everyone back on campus as soon as possible.


Andrew Houghton
