Edible Tectonics

A Rock in Time

Mrs Amadei’s A Rock In Time classes this week completed a practical activity that involved “playing” with their food – something most parents tell their children not to do! 


Students used Mars Bars as an analogy for the Earth and its layers, to demonstrate what happens at plate boundaries. As the live lesson continued, Mrs Amadei demonstrated a divergent boundary – exposing the caramel mantle layer, a convergent boundary – pushing the chocolate crust over and under itself, and a very messy transform boundary. 


These observations were related to what we see on Earth’s surface at plate boundaries – volcanoes, mountain ranges, subduction, fault lines and earthquakes. Students followed on with their own Mars Bars, taking photos at each stage to later include in their practical reports, which were presented using the Microsoft SWAY app.




Sarah Beattie


Science Domain Leader