Covid-19 Update

                                                                       Day 7/10/2020


Dear Families & Carers, 


Firstly welcome back to our new term 4. The purpose of this newsletter is to inform parents and carers of the "Remote Learning" & "Return to On-Site Learning" and the relevant  arrangements as of today. Let's all hope they only change for the better. The arrangements outlined  below will need everybody to co-operate so we can continue with on-site learning for the remainder of the year. I

Department Priorities

Priority 1 – Mental health and wellbeing

  • We will support our students as we transition back to school and get used to onsite learning again.

Priority 2 – Learning 

  • We will as a school ensure that our teaching is explicit and purposeful to catch students up if required.

Week 2 Information 12/10/2020

All students will be onsite as of Monday 12/10/2020. All students Foundation to Year Six will begin at 9:00am.

Prep/1- Will come through Murphy Street (bike entrance) and/or top oval gate (Elizabeth street) and assemble on basketball court. They will be collected by their teachers at 9:00. Parents will be allowed drop off and collect, but are not to congregate.


2/3 – Will come through the office or main gate and are to meet their respective teacher in the quadrangle. No parents allowed into the school for drop off. 


4/6 - Will come through the school gates and it is advised they enter through the McNamara gate. No parents allowed into the school for drop off.


No one can enter or exit through the school driveway gate for safety reasons.


Parents that are late with school drop off must call the office on 9354 2928. Likewise we expect parents to contact the school if they are late to collect their child.


The students will be dismissed at the following times.


4-6s will be dismissed from their classroom at 3:15. The students will need to leave the school via the McNamara gate. Students who are collecting siblings are to move to the basketball court. No family members are to enter the school site and must socially distance outside of the school. 

2/3s will be dismissed from the basketball court at 3:15. Parents must socially distance inside and outside of the school. Teachers will be roaming to ensure safe practices are taking place. 


Prep/1 students will be collected from the basketball court at 3:30. Teachers will send their child to their families. Families must leave the premises after collecting their child. 

OOSH Program

4-6 who need to attend the OOSH program will be supervised by 4/6 teachers until 3:30.

2/3 who need to attend the OOSH program will be collected by OOSH supervisors at 3:15.

Prep/1 students who attend the OOSH program will be accompanied to the multi-purpose room by an OOSH Supervisor at 3:30.


Students needing support will be provided on a case by case provision.

Staff on-site

All staff are back on site on Monday 12/10/2020

Masks need to be worn on Yard Duty and in the staffroom and planning, not during teaching time unless staff would prefer. 

No School Tours

No school tours can be accomodated until DE&T changes directives to schools.


If there are any changes to these arrangements as deemed by DHHS & DET we will certainly communicate and implement changes as possible.


The next newsletter will be published on Friday 17/10/2020.


Please stay safe and look after each other. 


Ross Dudgeon
