What's Happening at OLA!


Outdoor Learning

The water pump received a work out this week as the Pre-Kindergarten children shared the sand equipment. They were busy taking turns using buckets, pumping water and filling the sink with mud. There was a lot of sand mixed into mud and stirred in the sink. Messy, but lots of fun! Children at Pre-Kindergarten, are encouraged to cooperate with others in small groups and play situations by listening, sharing spaces and learning to follow the rules to ensure that everyone participates equally and fairly.


Cooking Learning Experience

All hands were on deck last week when we baked mini damper buns and ate them with butter and honey. It was so yummy! The children enjoyed mixing the butter into the flour with their fingers and hands and later using the round cutter to shape the damper buns on the tray. Afterwards to assist in the  clean-up, there were three little helpers who offered to wash and dry the dishes. We ate the damper together at the end of the day. Even superman and dinosaur ate damper buns!

Mrs Petkovic


In Kindy, we have been creating a beautiful nativity scene. This project has taken several weeks as the children first had to paint a shoe box they brought in from home. Then they had to make the pieces for inside the stable, including baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Straw was added to the bottom of the stable and finally, the stable roof and star were added. The children really enjoyed creating their scenes and they can't wait to take them home to show their families.

Mrs Fruvall and Mrs Taylor

Year 1

We have been busy working on measurement in Mathematics. We learnt about length and found how long objects were using blocks and paperclips. We also compared objects using pop sticks to determine objects that are shorter, longer or the same length. This week, we explored capacity and how much different objects can hold. We loved going out to the sandpit to find out how many spoons of sand could fill up the different containers. We also had fun comparing the capacity of different containers using water.


We attended a wonderful incursion presented by Constable Care called, First Aid Hero. The puppet show helped us to identify a medical emergency and what we can do to help. We were introduced to DRSABC and learnt how to call an ambulance.


We are continuing to work through the fun activities on code.org where we use characters from the game Angry Birds along with sequential algorithms to move a bird from one side of a maze to the pig at the other side. We could stack code blocks together in a linear sequence, making them move straight, turn left, or turn right. We are having so much fun moving through the levels.

Miss Saraceni and Mrs Ravi

Year 3

Over the last two weeks, the Year 3 students have been writing book reports about one of their favourite books. They were asked to write about the plot, the main characters and their favourite part of the book. Finally, students had to give their book a rating and illustrate their favourite part. Mrs Tollis and I were super impressed with the effort and care that went into writing and creating these book reports. Way to go Year 3s!

Mrs Tollis and Mrs Pilatti

Year 5

This week in Year 5, we have been very busy building bridges. We had to work in teams to design and create a bridge that spanned 1 metre without support. The only materials allowed were newspaper and sticky tape. We had to consider the durability and strength to enable it to stand without support. Some of our bridges would give the Sydney Harbour Bridge a run for its money.


Also, in Maths, we have been learning about symmetry, translations, rotations and reflections. We got to make some pretty cool rotational symmetry artwork where we needed to recreate the same pattern to make sure that it would always look the same when turned around.

Ms Knight and Mr McIntyre