Principal's Message

Prayer to Christ the King

Christ Jesus, I acknowledge You King of the universe.

All that has been created has been made for You.


Make full use of Your rights over me.


I renew the promises I made in Baptism and I promise to live a good Christian  life and to do all in my power to procure the triumph of the rights of God and Your Church.


Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you my efforts in order to obtain that all hearts may acknowledge your Sacred Royalty, and that the Kingdom of Your peace may be established throughout the universe.



Strategic Plan 2019 - 2021

With the school’s current ‘Three Year Strategic Plan’ in its final year in 2018, the OLA School Board members, OLA P&F Executive and the staff have worked closely to formulate the new plan with the process having commenced in Term 2. After many months of discussion, planning and seeking what our school’s vision will be for the next three years, I am proud to present to the school community our new 2019 – 2021 OLA Strategic Plan.


Launching the school’s new plan, I want to draw your attention to the outcomes we seek over the next three years. These are:

- Strong academic performance and service of others;

- A community that is faith-filled, diverse, engaged and healthy;

- A place that is contemporary, inviting and sustainable.


A copy of the new Strategic Plan is attached below.

Recess and Lunch 2019

As a result of discussions in formulating the new Strategic Plan, ongoing observations of the playground and current recess and lunch time structures, it has been decided that split recess and lunch breaks will be introduced in 2019. This will mean that the number of children playing outside, at the same time, will be significantly reduced. We will inform you of the new break times at the beginning of 2019.

Calling All Volunteers - P&F

With a number of school events scheduled for the next two years, the P&F need your help! Please email if you are able to offer any assistance - BIG or small, it all makes a difference!

Semester Two Reports - SEQTA Engage

Semester Two Reports will be made available to families via the SEQTA Engage Portal on Monday 3 December. Please take the time to check that you can still access the portal with the username and password you created last semester. We do not have access to your login details, so if you are experiencing difficulties with logging in a new email will need to be sent from Mrs Erskine. Please contact her via email if you require assistance. To access the portal please visit


This year's Graduation Mass is being held on Monday 3 December at 5.30pm. Year 5 students will be performing in the choir on the night. Please keep our Year 6 students in your prayers as they prepare to say goodbye to OLA.

Staffing 2019

We are excited to announce the following new staff members joining the OLA Teaching Team in 2019:

- Maree Musca

- Simone Wiles

- Michelle Retel

- Angela Ireland


We warmly welcome back Mrs Michelle Symmons and Mrs Ella Galipo from Maternity Leave as well as Mrs Mary Barclay who is returning from a six-month secondment to Infant Jesus.


A draft staffing list for 2019 is attached below. Please note that there may be some changes to the staffing allocations and the community will be notified of any changes via the newsletter.

2019 Transition

In preparation for the new school year, all current Kindy to Year 5 students will participate in two transition sessions. This will allow the children to become familiar with their new classroom, new cohort and new teacher (if possible). The two sessions will be held on Monday 3 December and Tuesday 4 December and will run for half an hour each.

Volunteers' Morning Tea

Next Tuesday, 27 November, the OLA Staff will be preparing morning tea for all of the amazing volunteers in our community. Morning tea will be held at 9am in the Fr O'Mara Centre. Please see the attached invitation for more information.

St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal

A BIG thank you to those families who have already donated a gift to the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. We will be extending the date for donations to Friday 30 November. Families are asked to please donate a gift for a child the same age and gender as their own child. For example, a female Year 1 student would purchase a gift for a female 6 or 7 year old. Your ongoing support with this appeal is greatly appreciated.

Kindy Orientation

Next Thursday, 29 November, is the 2019 Kindy Orientation morning. Families of our 2019 Kindy students are invited to attend the session in the Kindy classrooms commencing at 9am.

OLA School App

Please be advised that there have been technical issues with the OLA School app so the decision has been made to discontinue the use of the app.


As mentioned in previous newsletters, a new website is currently being designed and with this, a new app will be developed. In the interim, please refer to the interactive calendar on the school website, newsletters, and weekly updates and emails sent from class teachers.


We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and we will notify you of the new app once it becomes available in 2019.

Board and P&F AGM - Thank You

Thank you to the members of the School community who attended the AGM on Tuesday night. We are appreciative of your continual support.

Water Fun Day

To celebrate the end of a wonderful school year, children in Pre-Primary to Year 5 will be participating in a Water Fun Day on Thursday 6 December. Further details about this will be emailed home on Monday with your child's weekly update.

Booklists 2019

The 2019 OLA Booklists are now finalised and will be sent home to families today. Copies are also attached below.

End of Year Concert

Next Friday, 30 November, is the OLA End of Year Concert commencing at 6pm. The grassed area will be sectioned off on the night. The students and teachers will sit in front of the stage followed by those families who are sitting on picnic blankets. Families who are using deckchairs will be seated at the back of the grassed area so that everyone can see. All students from Pre-Primary to Year 6 will need to remain in the student area until after the finale item. Families are welcome to bring along a picnic dinner to enjoy after the concert.


The format of the night is as follows:

5.45pm – Pre-Primary to Year 6 children to meet in classrooms

6.00pm – Concert commences

- Kindy: Christmas carol followed by Dance item

- Pre-Primary: Christmas carol followed by Dance item

- Year 1: Christmas carol followed by Dance item

- Year 2: Christmas carol followed by Dance item

- Year 3: Dance item

- Year 3 and Year 4: Combined Christmas carol

- Year 4: Dance item

- Year 5: Dance item

- Year 5 and Year 6: Combined Christmas carol

- Year 6: Dance item

- Finale item


Kindy Parents, please drop your children to the stage at 5.45pm and collect them from the right hand side of the stage after their item.

Have a great weekend!


Greg Martin
