Facilities News 


Dr Denise Clarke 

Facilities Manager 

Dr Denise Clarke
Dr Denise Clarke











Outdoor Teaching spaces

Jacana School COVID Safe Plan is to maximise the use of outdoor teaching spaces.  We have purchased some locally manufactured outdoor tables with seating attached so small groups of students can work outside when the weather is suitable. They will be located in quiet locations around the school to allow students to focus on their tasks.



DET has increased the cleaning allocation to all schools so that "enhanced" cleaning can occur throughout the day.  The regular cleaner Manel still performs her usual tasks at the beginning and the end of the day.  


Giraldo (9am-3pm) completes enhance cleaning throughout the day -  disinfecting door handles, light switches, playground equipment, benchtops in common areas, guard rails, toilets, photocopiers.   Imeshi (3pm - 7pm -  supports general cleaning for approximately 1 hour) completes  enhanced cleaning for commonly used rooms e.g. Music, Art and Multi-purpose. They both ensure that bottles of sanitiser are kept full for the reception area and other common use areas of the school.



Classroom staff have sanitiser available to wipe surfaces as they have been used, and disinfect any items that may have been used by a student.


We are confident that we are minimising the risk of infection through general clearing, enhanced cleaning, staff classroom sanitising, and the implementation of strong COVID Safe practice throughout the staff and student body.


Borrowed Technology
Borrowed Technology

Technology Devices

DET has advised that any technology that has been lent to students and staff during the lockdown should continue to be made available to students until the end of the year. The devices borrowed are part of of classroom stock of technology and must be brought to school daily and taken home at night.


"Sanitising" computers involves wiping down the devices and also checking for malware, viruses and any inappropriate material that may accidently re-appear on the screens. 

Staff sanitised all the computers and iPads when they were returned to school after the first lockdown.  

If students are expected to bring computers to and from school daily, the ICT do not have time to do this daily. We are asking for your support to ensure students wash their hands before using the computers at home. Also can you ensure that you supervise their use, so you are aware if they accidently find inappropriate material.