
Nerrida Prosser - Head of Equine

Welcome back to Term Three. There is lots going on in the Equestrian Centre this term. We have some new dates for clinics, rescheduled freshman jumping and the dressage competition.


Did you get out and about these holidays? We’d love to hear about your horse adventures and any competitions you attended. 


Thank you to all who participated in our horsemanship survey. We are continuously striving for improvement within the Equestrian Centre, so I thank you for your considered input. All responses have been read, and those who provided information for follow-up will be contacted in the next two weeks.


A reminder that Junior Horsemanship and the Senior Natural Horsemanship class that runs on a Wednesday night will take a hiatus for Term Three. Senior Horsemanship lessons with Jamie and Judy will recommence Monday, 24 July.


Dates for the diary

29 July – Day One: flatwork clinic with Fiona Normand 

26 August – Day Two: flatwork clinic with Fiona Normand 

To book Fiona’s clinic, please visit Fiona Normand Dressage and Flatwork Clinic | Humanitix


9 August – rescheduled Dressage Jackpot to commence at 4 pm.


2 September – Freshman’s jumping at College (weather dependent) 


7 October – Adam Wooten jumps clinic.

To book Adam’s clinic, please visit Adam Wooten Clinic | Humanitix


4 and 5 November – Susie Walker LÉGÈRETÉ clinic (both in hand and on horseback)

To book Susie’s clinic, please visit Susie Walker LÉGÈRETÉ Clinic | Humanitix


Looking forward to working with you all again in Term Three.


Agriculture Victoria is working with local veterinarians to investigate the cause of multiple sudden deaths in horses which have occurred on separate properties since Tuesday, 4 July. 

The investigation is in the early stages. It is not yet known what has caused these deaths, and to date, common links are not evident.


The investigation is currently focused on extensive information gathering and testing to understand the possible causes of illness and death. 


Agriculture Victoria is calling on all horse owners to monitor their animals and report any sudden deaths or onset of illness in their horses immediately to their local vet, Agriculture Victoria or via the emergency animal disease hotline on 1800 675 888.


As this is early days, every report will help us understand the situation and assist our investigation into finding the cause. Early assessment and collection of a range of samples is important to this type of investigation.


So far, there have been ten confirmed horse deaths on three separate properties. The properties are located on the Mornington Peninsula, southeast Melbourne and southwest Victoria.


All horses are believed to have died quickly with short-term non-specific signs of illness. 

There have also been reports on social media channels of further affected properties. Agriculture Victoria is calling on any owners who have not reported deaths to Agriculture Victoria or their usual veterinarian, to please make contact so they can assist with investigations. 


Comprehensive testing for a range of diseases, and importantly, non-disease causes, is underway. While we do not yet have any clear indication of the cause, early testing for some known diseases in horses has been negative.  


Agriculture Victoria thanks owners and veterinarians who have been affected for their assistance in providing information to date.


Resources and links: 

Please refer to Agriculture Victoria resources to avoid spreading misinformation: