Important Dates

Dates to Remember
Term 3
Monday 21st August
Monday 21st August
Last day to apply for Teeth on Wheels
Monday 21st August - Friday 25th August
Book Week - "Read, Grow, Inspire"
Tuesday 22nd August
Teeth on Wheels
Wednesday 23rd August
Book Week Dress Up Day - Favourite Book Character
Thursday 24th August
Second Hand Uniform Shop @ 3.15pm
Thursday 24th August
Father's Day Stall
Friday 25th August
Father's Day Stall
Sunday 27th August
Last day to order Issue 6Scolastic Books
Monday 28th August
Grade 5/6 A STEM Cooking
Grade 5/6 B STEM Cooking
Grade 5/6 C STEM Cooking
Grade 1/2 A STEM Cooking
Monday 28th August - Wednesday 30th August
Grade 3/4 Narmbool Camp 1
Wednesday 30th August - Friday 1st September
Grade 3/4 Narmbool Camp 2
Thursday 31st August
Prep Transition Day 2 @ 9:00-10:00am
Art and Craft Activity
Tuesday 5th September
5/6 Production
Thursday 7th September
5/6 Production
Thursday 7th September
Prep - Father's Day Morning
Thursday 7th September
Secondhand Uniform Shop @ 8:30am
Monday 11th September
Grade 5/6 D STEM Cooking
Tuesday 12th September
Prep Transition Day 3 @ 9:00-10:00am
Music Activity
Thursday 14th September
Prep - Fairy Tale Ball
Friday 15th September
Last Day of Term 3 - Dismissal 2:30pm
Term 4
Friday 13th October - Prep Transition Day 4 @ 12:35pm -1:35pm
Wednesday 25th October - Prep Transition Day 5 @ 12:35pm -1:35pm
Friday 10th November - Prep Transition Day 6 @ 12:35pm -1:35pm
Thursday 30th November - Prep Transition Day 7 @ 12:35pm -1:35pm
Tuesday 12th December - Prep Transition Day 8 @ 9:00am - 10:30am
Term Dates for 2023
Term 1 Monday 30th January - Thursday 6th April
Term 2 Monday 24th April - Friday 23rd June
Term 3 Monday 10th July - Friday 15th September
Term 4 Monday 2nd October - Wednesday 20th December