Scholastic Books

Dear families,
Your support, by ordering from Book Club, will allow the school to buy additional books and classroom supplies as MPS will earn 15% in Scholastic Rewards on all Book Club orders. Issue 5 orders earnt the school $161.40!
Issue 6 for 2023 is currently available for order and children have received their catalogues – you can also download the catalogue here if you haven’t received or have misplaced your copy -
Orders for Issue 6 2023 are due Wednesday 27th of August.
You can place your child’s order at or by using the LOOP app, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. It is easy to order via the Book Club LOOP platform. It allows parents allows to pay by either credit or debit card. Your child’s order is submitted directly to the school and the books will be delivered to their class (generally 2-3 weeks after orders close).
Remember if you want to place an order and do not want it delivered to your child’s class you can highlight it as a “gift”. Do this by selecting the “Order is a Gift” box when you order on-line through LOOP on Scholastic’s website.
Please note: We are no longer be able to accept cash orders for the Book Club. If you have any questions regarding cash orders, please see Robynne at the office.
Kind regards,
Trudi Wilson
Bookclub Co-ordinator