MPS Science Week Celebration
What a launch to our first ever whole school celebration of STEM! Tuesday’s events ignited minds, kindled curiosity, and united science enthusiasts, all in the name of science.
With a dynamic lineup of activities, including captivating guest speakers, exhilarating raft building, and mind-bending invention design, the celebration aimed to inspire, educate, and spark the excitement of students.
Our community is brimming with a variety of skills, knowledge, and expertise across various industries, and MPS is so lucky to have access to such a wealth of resources. Thank you to Catherine Takahashi, Shin Takahashi, Wally Chiang, and Ilia Chinisaz; the scientists and experts from various fields, who generously volunteered their time, knowledge, and resources, as guest speakers.
The buzz did not end at the end of the school day! We had a phenomenal turnout at our Fathering Project event; ‘Rocket Roll.’ The designs were elaborate, and the excitement was high, however the rockets were higher!
If you have a spare minute around pick up, be sure to come down to the Makerspace between 3:00pm and 3:45pm on Wednesday the 23rd to have a look at the STEMorable work your children have crafted.