
Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum

Tertiary Pathways

Congratulations to these Year 12 ATAR students on gaining early entry offers to university in 2024. We are so proud of your efforts!


Matilda Williams:

Bachelor of Marine Biology (Murdoch University)

Zoe McGill:

Bachelor of Agricultural Science (UWA)

Jasmin Hanlon:

Bachelor of Agricultural Science/Bachelor of Business (Murdoch University)



Drones Recreational Pilots License (RePL)

Congratulations to the following Year 12 students who have successfully completed the theory component of their Remote Pilot's Licence (RePL).  


Zarah Squiers, Will Johnston, Kallen Marwick, Kaaliyah Sutherland, Cayden Smith, Jessie Read, Jayden White, James Hannington, Cody Watson and Bevan Norwood.


It is an intensive assessment requiring 85% to pass on completing of 14 online units and quizzes.  The practical assessment is scheduled for Week 9 and students are required to have 5 hours of flying time prior to this.


Thanks to Cody W for this amazing image taken during one of our practical sessions.


Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum



Cunderdin 8 (DC8) - Miss Tait

This year we had a huge turnout for the Cunderdin 8, with a couple of last-minute entries that either loved the idea of an 8km adventure or not being in class for the last hour of the day….... We saw some interesting outfits from our Year 12s, who took the opportunity to dress up in whatever they could find. 


It was a close finish between Marshall and Isaac, with only 0.01of a second separating the two as they crossed the finish line!  Congratulations to Amber who was the first female across the line! 



Marshall – 34.49

Isaac – 34.50

Ben – 35.59

Jaiden – 42.01

Charlie – 46.42

Oliver – 49.58

Harry C - 56.07

Max, Kade, Jadd, Rhys – 58.10

Josh V – 1.01.20



Amber – 54.58

Kealey - 58.50

Brooke and Harriett – 59.20


The sneaky short-cutters (Ellie, Tenneale, Emily and Makayla) appeared at the finish line looking extremely fresh after half an hour. Kath, Kim and Kel, (Jake, Andy, Kyle) – had an interesting and brief speed ‘walk’ in their Birkenstocks to the first kilometre before making a quick turnaround. The Peanuts (Savannah, Abbey, Sharlah, Ashleigh) completed the DC8 with some interesting additions in their costumes in 1 hour and ten minutes. Cody Watson beat his usual walking time with 1 hour 15 minutes and was kept company most of the way by Kallen, who took refuge in the College ute when the weather took a turn.


We had such a great turn out for the event this year and I hope the year 11s are motivated to improve their times next year and possibly go for the record of 29.43 set in 2017!