Religious Education

Faith Life Inquiry

Caith Malone


A huge thank you to all the wonderful grandparents and grandparent figures who were able to attend our morning last Friday. It was such a wonderful experience for everyone and the engaging dialogue that was observed between children and grandparents was so beautiful to watch. You could feel the love!

The Church celebrated the Feast Day of Saints Joachim and Anne, the parents of Mary and grandparents of Jesus on Wednesday 26th June.








A Child's Prayer for Grandparents

Dear God, please bless my grandparents.

Thank you for the life they gave my parents and for the life, they give to me.

For the ways they helped me and made me strong, I give thanks. 

For the ways, they love me no matter what, I rejoice. 

For the ways, they have paved the road that leads me here, I am grateful.

Let them grow in wisdom and joy in life.

Let them find peace and rest from their work.

Let them be healed of every sickness and pain.

And let them see with their own eyes your glory and the love of their children and grandchildren.

Bless them always until they come to rest in you.




Australian Catholics Magazine Digital Resource for Parents and families.

At SoGS we know that a partnership between parents and school is the best way to support our young people in learning in all areas, including faith development.We have just upgraded our access to a resource that can be used for both school and home. Australian Catholics Magazine. It is often hard to find Catholic News or resources to use at home as a family so I would like to share the login details for parents and students so that you can search together as a family and deepen your knowledge of the Catholic Faith.

Check out this video which gives you a tour of the site,and helps you find what you need.

Access for students:


Password: acstudents

(Any number of users can be logged in at the same time.) 


Access for parents:


Password: acparents

(Any number of users can be logged in at the same time.)


Please see the information sheets below for ideas of ways to use this resource at home.

Many thanks,

Caith Malone