Loving Life in 5/6H

Country Capers

In the senior school we promote self esteem and building confidence. The students of 5/6H did a wonderful job of presenting their ‘Country projects’ to the class by building a sound knowledge of their country, and being well rehearsed in  their delivery. There was a particular focus on eye contact with the audience and voice projection/variation. 

Movie Madness

To continue this theme of building confidence, we had an amazing time reading scripts, acting and creating animations at the Media Roadshow incursion last week. It was such a wonderful opportunity to produce a television program with 5/6H students showcasing their talents!

Supporting Others

Last week was a very exciting week for the Foundation students as they celebrated 100 days of school. We all made cards for them to acknowledge their hard work and dedication.

Work to be proud of..

We are extremely proud of our work and our ability to produce tasks of great quality and quantity. Our project work is always displayed for others to see. 


Fun Indoors

While we value the working environment in our classroom, we also like to have some fun when the opportunity arises. We were fortunate to play indoor paper hockey with Mrs Harvey’s old newspaper bat and ball from the 90’s. We also loved celebrating our 100 token reward with party food and music.


Pepper Watches Over Us

We now have a class mascot in our room named ‘Pepper’ While her native home is Phillip Island, she is very happy being loved by the children in 5/6H.



Thank you to all 5/6H families for your continued support. Please remember to keep an eye on Seesaw updates and please keep in touch when needed.


We had a great day celebrating St John Vianney.