Student Wellbeing

This month our students will be participating in the MS Readathon. Did you know that apart from supporting an excellent cause reading has many benefits to our personal wellbeing.

It can reduce stress.

Reading can even relax your body by lowering your heart rate and easing tension in your muscles.

It provides us with a healthy escape.

Reading takes us out of our world (and minds) and into another world inside the pages of a book. With a film or TV show, you’re given the visuals whereas with a novel you’re inventing them yourself, so it’s actually much more of a powerful event, because you’re involved

It can make us more understanding.

Researchers have found evidence that literary fiction “improves a reader’s capacity to understand what others are thinking and feeling.” Another study “drew a strong connection between reading fiction and better performance on widely used empathy and social acumen tests.” We’re all better off when when understand what others are experiencing.

It gives us an opportunity to identify with others in similar circumstances.

When we read about others with similar experiences, we can feel less alone. This is especially good for youth facing challenges. 



So keep up your reading.......


Deputy Principal

Wellbeing Leader