A Word From Leadership

Playing with others can be challenging

Supporting your child with peer relationships when they are away from you is tough. But there are things that we can do as parents and teachers that support this growth. Below is an article that provides some ideas about what adults can say to support the skills that children need to use to promote positive and successful play.


There are a number of skills which we can look at when teaching children about “good play”, the article focuses on three specific ones  – 

1 Helping children generate useful “rules” or guidelines to play.

2. Helping children anticipate problems and develop problem solving strategies for games.

3. Helping children generate kind sentences to use in games.


Take some time to open the article and get some tips on supporting positive relationships between your child and their siblings or peers.

School Uniform Hats

Hats are required to be worn whenever students are involved in school activities held outside during the months of August to May. Students not wearing a hat during these months will be directed to a designated shaded area during playtimes.

Please ensure your child's hat is clearly named before sending to school.