Upcoming Dates for the Diary


Tuesday 22nd                                         ICAS Science - Year 5 & 6

Wednesday 23rd                                   ICAS Science - Year 3 & 4

Thursday 24th                                        ICAS Science - Year 2

Thursday 24th                                        WESA District Athletics

Friday 25th                                              SRC Dress Up as Teacher Day

Tuesday 29th                                          ICAS Maths - Year 5 & 6

Wednesday 30th                                    ICAS Maths - Year 3 & 4

Wednesday 30th                                   Year 6 Graduation Photo

Thursday 31st                                         ICAS Maths - Year 2


Monday 4th                                             Planning Day - Student Free Day

Tuesday 5th                                            Year 2 Legoland Excursion

Wednesday 6th                                      Year 3 Camp Incursion

Monday 11th                                          Parent Teacher Interviews

Tuesday 12th                                          Parent Teacher Interviews

Tuesday 12th                                          Students Finish at 12.50pm

                                                                                      (Due to Parent Teacher Interviews)

Looking Ahead ......

10th October                                          Junior School Production

24th November                                     Report Writing Day - No Students at School

4th December                                       Planning Day - Student Free Day

13th December                                     Year 6 Graduation

Term Dates 2023

Term 1 : Students Start Monday 30th January  -  Thursday 6th April

Term 2 : Monday 24th April  -  Friday 23rd June

Term 3 : Monday 10th July  -  Friday 15th September

Term 4 : Monday 2nd October  -  Wednesday 20th December