Student Awards

Congratulations to all of our hard working students!

Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated 4.8.23 Student of the week is awarded to..



Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated?

4.8.23 Student of the week is awarded to..

Ella-Grace N


Ms McGregor

For trying so hard and making great progress with her handwriting, competently using spaces and writing on the lines.  Well done Ella keep up the great work!
Zara G 


Miss Santilla

For always being kind and caring to your peers and teachers! You are amazing Zara!  
Emma S


Miss Accaputo

For embracing your learning each day with a positive attitude. Your persistence is shining through your work as you remain determined to reach goals.. Amazing effort!!!
Sophie H


Mrs John

For consistently displaying the Habit of Mind “Persisting” by never giving up no matter how challenging the task and trying your best in all that you do. Fantastic effort, Sophie!
Edith F


Miss Mihocic

For consistently staying on task and always being willing to work with peers in collaborative settings 
Celeen D


Mrs Tasevski

For her excellent attitude towards her learning. 
Indie R


Miss Paige

For always having a positive attitude during class discussions! Hearing your ideas and seeing your excitement for all learning areas is so great to see. Well Done Indie!
Anton B 


Miss Ravanello

For continuing to demonstrate the Habit of Mind 'Persistence' by always trying your best, having a go and always showing positivity. Love your work Anton, keep it up!
Alessia R


Miss Macri

Persisting throughout Maths when using strategies to answer multiplication sums. Well Done for putting yourself in the Learning Pit. 
Thomas B


Mrs Peel

For being a kind and considerate class member of 4B by always thinking of his peers.
Patrick B


Mrs Carey

For working interdependently with peers and teachers to consolidate your understanding of Multiplication strategies. Well done Patrick!
Dylan H.


Mrs McNamara

For sharing your understanding of multiplication with your peers this week to teach them a new strategy, the box strategy! Well done for sharing your knowledge!
Chase D.


Miss Kelly

For having a Growth Mindset and jumping into the Learning Pit in our Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Unit in Maths! Thank you for persisting and asking questions that enrich understanding!
Mari Y


Miss Lee

For following the HOM ‘Question and Problem Solving’ during learning this week. You ask great questions during whole class discussions! Well done!

Isaac S (5A)


Olivia M (PB)


Mr P - Years 3-6

Mrs Dalton- Year Prep-2 

For never giving up and having a persistent attitude when it comes to working on his skills during PE! Well done Isaac! 


For showing a positive and persistent attitude in PE!

Eden K (5B)


Mr Steve

For having rich and deep musical conversations with your group. Amazing effort!
Natalie P (PrepB)


Mrs Zaffina

For always trying her very best in all Italian classes! Keep up the amazing effort! Fantastico Natalina!
Remy H (Prep B)


Mrs Symeoy


Working hard to complete her unplugged seesaw coding activity and for happily helping others too. Keep up the great work!
Eva K PB


Mrs Garro

Constantly following steps in art to complete tasks to a high standard. Working with care and supporting others. Well Done Eva. 

Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated 11.8.23 Student of the week is awarded to..



Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated?

11.8.23 Student of the week is awarded to..

Thomas F


Ms McGregor

For making amazing improvements this week.  For working very hard on his writing and completing his ‘Favourite Toy’ book.  Keep up the fantastic work Thomas!
Katia C


Miss Santilla

For always striving for accuracy in your learning, listening carefully to instructions and being a responsible learner! You are amazing Katia! 
Alexis S


Miss Accaputo

For always striving for excellence in all that you do. You always embrace your learning with a positive attitude no matter the challenge. Super Effort!
Zion W


Mrs John

For displaying the HOM, ‘striving for Accuracy” in your reading and writing by continuously looking for ways to improve your work. Well done Zion!
Dylan B


Miss Mihocic

For working hard to collaborate with peers and following instructions to get started on tasks
Danielle M


Mrs Tasevski

For her love of learning and ability to take on feedback and apply it to her writing. Keep it up Danielle, you are a role model to all!
Ava J


Miss Dicello

For always showing resilience, persistence and a positive attitude when faced with a learning challenge. You take on feedback and are always ready to uplevel your work. Well Done Ava!
Isabella P


Miss Paige

For striving for accuracy in your learning and taking on board constructive feedback. I love the way you take your time to enhance your work. Keep up the amazing work Isabella!
William R


Miss Macri

For persisting when learning how to solve equations using the vertical algorithm for multiplication. Even when difficult, you still have it a try. Well done William.


Mrs Peel

For your commitment to Strive for accuracy as you consolidate your understanding of Multiplication. Keep up the fabulous work!
Joel C


Mrs Carey

For sharing his thinking and ideas whilst participating in reading groups. Great work Joel!
Shanuli H


Mrs McNamara

For displaying the Habit of Mind, ‘Striving for Accuracy” in your learning by continuously looking for ways to improve your work. Well done Shanuli!
Raymond S.


Miss Kelly

For ‘Working Interdependently’ to consolidate your understanding in Maths and Communicating with Clarity to problem solve in open-ended tasks! Well done Raymond
Johann V


Miss Lee

For showing the HOM ‘Question and Problem Pose’ by asking questions during independent learning. Well done! 

Lukas K (5A)


Issak J (1B)


Mr P - Years 3-6

Mrs Dalton- Year Prep-2 

For always having a positive and resilient attitude when working on Physical Education tasks. Well done Lukas! 


For being a positive role model during PE sessions. Well done!

Lydia K (3B)


Mrs Zaffina

For her positive attitude, persistence and great effort to learn Italian! Fantastico Lydia!
Archie B (1B) 


Mrs Symeoy


For working hard to complete his unplugged seesaw coding activity and for helping others too. Amazing work!
Eva K (PB)


Mrs Garro

Constantly following steps in art to complete tasks to a high standard. Eva takes care and works so hard. Well done Eva.  Love it