Productive Garden 

Alicia and Shal



We are finally getting chickens next week! We will be securing the chicken run at the working bee this weekend and getting three chickens next week. The Senior students will be caring for the chickens daily, with additional support from OSHC, and our wonderful parent's group of chicken carers. 

The BNWPS Chicken Care Plan will be on Sentral for everybody to access. 



The productive garden is looking quite unproductive at the moment as we transition from the lush summer produce to harvesting, turning the soil, replenishing with our very own excellent compost, and start planting winter food. We will also be updating our irrigation system this week which will bring back life to the greenhouse, perfect for propagating subtropical plants over winter, especially Asian food plants, linking with our inquiry on Asia. So within a few weeks, the garden should be looking very productive again.


Yakai Barring

MCMC conducted large scale herbicide sprays last week to get the invasive plants under a bit better control. The 5/6s conducted biodiversity audits to establish what plants there are and what gaps need filling. We will be using our Landcare Grant to rejuvenate the Indigenous biodiversity this term.



HELP! Next week, we will be cooking baba ganoush in Enviro classes to enjoy all the eggplants we grew over Summer/Autumn in our food garden. If you are available, please come in during your child’s session to help out, especially for the Juniors. Any help during cooking sessions is very appreciated. Consult the specialist timetable on Sentral to see when your child has Enviro Science. 

> Allergy check: Please see the recipe and let us know if there is anything your child is allergic/intolerant to that we might have missed.



Alicia and Shal 🌞