Prep News

From Julia, Prep teacher

Molesworth Street Campus

We did it! You did it! 


The Prep Team would like to take this time to congratulate you all (families included) on how well you settled during transition, going between campuses every day, and now being in the Molesworth Street Campus full time. 


The students have been using the open space for developmental play between spaces, which has meant that students have been able to see and play with their friends from other classes during class time and moving around the space to work with different students and teachers during Word Study sessions, as seen in this fortnight’s photos. 

We’re all so happy to see how excited you are in our new space, and how you’ve all taken to learning what it means, looks like, and sounds like to be in a flexible and open environment. 


Another exciting part of our new campus is the impressive design of our learning spaces, which you may have seen during our open classrooms. While we’ve been going through these things with our students at school, here are some discussion ideas to support learning and our settling at home.

Colours in our new space

The colour of our year level is green which is representative of grass. Each year level’s colour represents something different that connects us to Woi Wurung Country as it ascends into the sky - specialist is pink, Year 1 is orange and yellow, and Year 2 is blue. 


What do you think these colours represent?


What a shared space means - how do we move through the building during learning time, or in the stairwell which can create a lot of echoes?

Sorry Day

Students were taken through what Sorry Day means, what and who the stolen generations are, and why we say sorry and made native desert roses to acknowledge the day. The five-petal native desert roses was chosen by members of the Stolen Generation to symbolise the scattering of its members throughout Australia and also for its resilience and survivor instinct. It is found widely across Australia, and it’s colour denotes compassion and spiritual healing.