Parents & Friends Committee update

Next P&F Meeting

Please join us for the upcoming Parents and Friends Meeting on Tuesday, 6 June from 7-9pm. 


Venue: The Castle Hotel, in the Wrecklyn Room

56 Courtney St. North Melbourne 3051   


While we would normally meet at the school, we are trialling a new alternative at a local venue and welcome new parents and carers to come along to meet the P&F group and hear about various opportunities to participate in 2023 events.


We aim to keep the agenda short - to discuss the upcoming Blokes Breakfast (Sept) and NMPS Art Show (Oct), then enjoy an hour or two of relaxed socializing. Note: meals and beverages will be available for individual purchase in the front bar. 


No need to RSVP feel free to just drop by on the night.


We would love to see you there!


As always, contact us via email ( if you have any questions.

Bloke's Breakfast, 2022
Bloke's Breakfast, 2022

Committee Meetings

If you would like to get involved with Parents and Friends, meetings are held monthly but attendance is not compulsory (minutes are emailed).  The Parents and Friends Association welcomes any member of the school community who cares about our school and is willing to lead, or support, activities and events. 


About the P&F Association

The role of the Parents and Friends (P&F) Association is threefold:

·       to encourage and build community amongst families within our school through events and activities

·       to provide support for the school, its students and community, including raising funds for the benefit of the school

·       to work in cooperation with the principal, staff and school council in building effective partnerships between home and school

Please contact us for more information about getting involved:


Stay informed about Parents and Friends

Facebook address: North Melbourne Primary School Events

Instagram address: nmpsfun

Join our 'Keep in Touch' list by emailing your contact to: